
Why Swahili Wordnet

Introducing Swahili Wordnet, a lexicon database of Swahili language which is inspired by the need of Swahili lexicon tools that can aid in text analyisis and research purposes. Words are linked through semantic relationships such as synonyms and hypernyms. The purpose is to lay ground for further development of Swahili language and other local African languages.

Machine Translation

Word sense disambiguation

Name entity recognition

Baseline to local languages

Machine Translation

Word sense disambiguation

Name entity recognition

Baseline to local languages

Swahili Wordnet

Enhance your
Lexicon Knowledge

Have an ease while building your NLP models, be it for research purpose or experimental or just playing around and learning more about Swahili Language We've got you covered. We've embedded Swahili Stopwords and slang terms in the package and also included the slang terms in the swahili wordnet.

Download Wordnet
Swahili wordnet
  * Swahili wordnet
  * @author Omondi Vincent
  * @version 0.1.0 beta 1
  * @Aitess

import wordnet

wn = wordnet.load()
PoS		#synsets	#word senses	#words
Nouns		354		      500		 415
Verbs		272		      373		 334
Adjectives	5		      2		     2
Adverbs		0		      0		     0

synset = wn.synset('ughushi')

#print the return synsets

#get definition
'kitu kilichobuniwa au utengenezaje wa vitu visivyo vya asili'

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